done by Splatter URL : These skillss have the Folling Efects: Magic Skills Angelīs Spell-Level+1 Arch-Angels Spell-Level+2 Monkīs need ca. -10% Mana Priestīs need ca. -25% Mana Cardinalīs need ca. -50% Mana Glowing Spell raise 25% longer Cryptic Spell raise 50% longer Arcane Spell raise dobble Time Plentiful X-tra Charges for Staffs Mana Name Min Max Frog -6 -10 Hyena -1 - 5 Spiderīs +11 +15 Ravenīs +16 +20 Snakeīs +21 +30 Serpentīs +31 +40 Drakeīs +41 +50 Dragonīs +51 +60 Wyrmīs +61 +70 Hydraīs +71 +80 Light Radius Dark -40% Night -20% Light +20% Radiance +40% Transfer Mana Life +3% Bat Leech +5% Vampire Blood Attack Frequenz Readness Quik Attack Swiftness Fast Attack Speed Faster Attack Haste Fastes Attack Hit Recovery Balance Fast Hit Recovery Stability Faster Hit Recovery Harmony Fastes Hit Recovery 2nd Weapons Skill Fire Fireballs (1- 6) Flame Fireballs (1-10) Burning Fireballs (1-16) Shock Flash (1- 6) Lightning Flash (1-10) Thunder Flash (1-20) Resist ALL Name Min Max Topaz +10% +15% Amber +16% +20% Jade +21% +30% Obsidian +31% +40% Emerald +41% +50% Resist Single Min Max Resist Fire Resist Magic Resist Lightning +11% +20% Red White Blue +21% +30% Crimson Pearl Azure +31% +40% Burgundy Ivory Lapis +41% +50% Garnet Crytal Cobalt +51% +60% Ruby Diamond Saphire to Hit : Name Min Max Tin - 6% - 10% Brass - 1% - 5% Bronze + 1% + 5% Iron + 6% + 10% Steel + 11% + 15% Silver + 16% + 20% Gold + 21% + 30% Plantinum + 31% + 40% Mithril + 51% + 60% Metoric + 61% + 86% Weird + 87% +100% Strange +110% +110% to Damage: Name Min Max Usless -100% -100% Weak - 41% - 41% Jagged + 20% + 35% Deadly + 36% + 50% Heavy + 51% + 65% Viscious + 66% + 80% Brutal + 81% + 95% Massive + 96% +110% Savage +111% +130% Ruthless +131% +140% Merciless +151% +160% Quality add 1 Point add 2 Points Maiming add 3 Points add 5 Points Slaying add 6 Points add 8 Points Gore add 9 Points add 12 Points Carnage add 13 Points add 16 Points Slaughter add 17 Points add 20 Points to Damge & to Hit Name -- To Hit -- -to Damage- Min Max Min Max Dull - 1% - 5% - 30% - 43% Sharp + 1% + 5% + 20% + 25% Fine + 6% + 10% + 35% + 50% Warriorīs +11% + 15% + 51% + 65% Soldierīs +16% + 20% + 66% + 80% Lordīs +21% + 30% + 81% + 95% Knightīs +31% + 40% + 96% +110% Masterīs +41% + 50% +111% +125% Championīs +51% + 70% +126% +150% Kingīs +71% +100% +151% +180% Hit Points Name Min Max Vulture -24 - 24 Jackal - 2 - 9 Fox +10 + 15 Jaguar +16 + 20 Eagle +21 + 30 Wolf +31 + 40 Tiger +41 + 50 Lion +51 + 60 Mammoth +61 + 80 Whale +81 +100 All Attributes Name Min Max Trouble - 6 -10 Pit - 1 - 5 Sky + 1 + 3 Moon + 4 + 7 Stars + 8 +11 Heavens +12 +15 Zodiac +16 +25 Single Attributes Min Max Strength Magic Dexterity Vitality +1 +5 Strength Magic Dexterity Vitality +6 +10 Might Mind Skill Zest +11 +15 Power Brilliance Accuaracy Vim +16 +20 Giants Sorcery Precision Vigor +21 +30 Titans Wizardy Perfection Life